Category: Uncategorized

  • OPLAN Silabus and Reference

    Silabus: Mata kuliah ini membahas perkembangan berbagai teknologi komunikasi optik wired dan wireless, jaringan optik mencakup konsep lapisan OSI, trunk seperti SDH/SONET, MPLS; jaringan akses seperti FTTX, PON/GPON/GEPON; elemen pembentuk jaringan, seperti modulator optik, mux/demux optik,OXC, optical switching, wavelength converter; juga mencakup konsep IM/DD, komunikasi koheren, Radio-over-Fiber, Free Space Optic dan Visible Light Communication. References:…

  • Telcomm Network Performance materials

    Dear Magister Students, I have uploaded some materials on: Thanks for the reminders

  • OPLAN 2017/2018-1: Choose your group members and projects

    Dearest best students, I do apologize to delay the posting which contains to grouping, choosing  one big project, two optic components, and two optic systems. In this posting, you may write down: Group name, member names, student IDs, blog addresses, the chosen big project, optical components and systems. Besides, I do need you to make…

  • Rubrik Penilaian Kerjasama Tim

    Dear all, After having collaboration and cooperation with friends in a working team along this semester, you must submit your opinion on those works on Rubrik using this link This is a part of assessment, so I’m waiting this submission via email until Tuesday, 23 May 2017. This document is confidential. Thank you Note: my…

  • My last post

    Dear students, I’d like to rewrite the content of last post Group NIM Name Main Topic Devices1 Devices2 Teknologi 1 1101134400 SYELANISA NABILLA Jaringan Akses Optical Filter Optical Muxdenux FTTX (DLC, PON, AON) 1101134404 DEVI NAAFIYANDIKA SUTOPO Topologi dan perangkat FTTX   1101134408 MAYA SARI SAMOSIR GPON-GEPON-XGPON 2 1101130078 RAHMAD HIDAYATULLAH SALAM Jaringan  Terestrial Optical Filter…

  • OPLAN: Form Kerjasama Kelompok

    Dear students, One part of evaluation is to take your opinion on the way you share the assignment works among your team member. Each student should write down the role and contribution of each team member along doing the assignment onto Form Kerjasama Kelompok as attached. Your writing is confidential, so send it to me…

  • OPLAN: Last assignment report and presentation

    Dear students…. I’d like to remind you that today is the deadline to submit your assignment instead of final exam as well as the presentation.  I’ll be in office around 9 o’clock. So, if you would make the presentation and submit the report earlier than the exam schedule, you may come to P214, after 10…

  • Groups to present: calculations

    Dearest students, Good (early) morning  to you all…some students reminded me not to forget to upload the groups that will present calculations on Friday morning… thanks for it.  The presentation goal is to monitor your work progress on network designed calculations you have chosen. Here is the groups in order: MUH.IHSAN.S RIZKY GILANG GUMILAR MUHAMMAD RAFIF…

  • Advanced Optical Comm Topic’s tagging

    Hi dearest students, Regarding your assignments, in this second half of semester, you may tag your topics over here in order to avoid duplication topics among groups. Please state your topic titles, authors, publication identities and so on in comments below. Thank you

  • Advanced Optical Communication Middle Test

    Dearest students, As we have planned which is stated on the sillaby, that there will be no classical testing for this subject. Instead of this, you should make some writings individually based on materials you have presented before . The format is free, create your own style. You may write down in a good Bahasa…