Subject Courses

In my point of view that teaching or delivering lectures in class is not an important thing, because it is more important to encourage your manner how to have long life  learning in mind.  This  is  the  main point. And the character building is second one. Let’s quote what Einstein statement as follows:

“Weakness of Attitude Becomes Weakness of Character.”

No matter how clever you are, but if you have bad attitudes, you are unimportant one, and in turn, are neglected. The attitudes are small things but make big differences. The attitudes  build  the  characters.  On the other  hand,  the  education is not only the teaching  matter, it  tends  to be building  characters. However, which characters are to be built are different things and maybe further discussed.

“Education Is What Remains After One has Forgotten Everything He Learned in School.”

Whenever you have graduated, you will feel something left into your mind, your memories, into your heart, into your behavior, but you will forget the order and detail of the lectures. It  is  never mind. So education is a long and integrated continuing process.  Yes, this is the point Einstein statement above.

In my record, several subjects that I delivered for undergraduate program were:

  • Electric Circuits
  • Optical Fiber Communications
  • Optical Communication Components
  • Advanced Optical Communication Systems
  • Optoelectronics
  • Optical Fiber Access Network
  • Optical Instrumentation

Graduate programs:

  • Telecommunication Network Performance