Advanced Optical Communication Middle Test

Dearest students,

As we have planned which is stated on the sillaby, that there will be no classical testing for this subject. Instead of this, you should make some writings individually based on materials you have presented before . The format is free, create your own style. You may write down in a good Bahasa Indonesia or English. Students are warned to beware of plagiarism. So, create statements based on your own words, put some citations clearly, and write down references as IEEE paper style. Once found, it will be punished.

This physical paper must be submitted on the day and time of middle test, hand it to Koordinator Lokasi, sign up your presence list, and not to forget to upload it on your blog.

Do it your best, imagine that your paper will be submitted on a seminar or conference.

Okay, I think this announcement is clear enough for you.

Thank you

31 responses to “Advanced Optical Communication Middle Test”

  1. this is my blog mam, and i’ve beed uploaded my task here.

    Adith Priyo Pratama|1101130055

  2. this is my blog mam, i’ve been uploaded my task here

    Adith Priyo Pratama | 1101130055

  3. assalamualaikum wr wb
    Name : Sukma Bahrul Aziz
    NIM : 1101158658

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